Save Your Child From Toxic People

Do you have friends who always make fun of your kid? Do you have visitors who spend a lot of time in teasing your kid?  Do you have family members who irritate your child all the time?

 Don't call them your friends, family or acquaintances. They are just toxicity spread across the society. It may be fun for them to make a child cry or repeat same sentences with all the innocence. But remember these behaviors of such toxic people have a long-lasting effect on your child's behavior, career and adult life.
Children are the asset of any society and key to happiness for their parents. So, it is utmost important to preserve and nurture their childhood in a healthy environment. It should not contain toxicity. Constant bullying affects each child differently. Some children start to react frequently and fight to prove them. These children turn into short-tempered, irritated and angry adults. While some children start to withdraw them from such situation, they grow into a person with extremely low self-esteem and no self-confidence. In both the cases, it hampers your child's personality and perspective towards life.
The most important things are
  • Treat your child as a rational individual
  • Children do have self - respect
  • Making fun equally hurt to all - be it an adult or a child
  • Think with children's perspective
  • Constant bullying of your kids should not be acceptable by ANYONE
 Maybe you have ignored such behavior of your guests or other family members. But, think of it and think according to your kids. Stop all such toxicity towards your kids as it is your responsibility to give your child a better present and future.

Many people do it out of ignorance and some of them do on purpose. Just talk to them that this behavior is not acceptable. Everyone should respect the individuality of a child. There is a huge difference in playing with a kid and bullying a kid. If you play with a kid he/she will enjoy and laugh but if you are bullying that kid; he/she will cry only you will be laughing.

Parents, your role is important here. You should break the ice. No matter who is that toxic person, you should stop them from making fun of your kid. Nobody can be more important than your child.

Hope you will observe these minute things in your kid's life which can create great impact on their future. Please suggest your opinion or share your experiences with me on this issue.


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